• Name : Kazek 'Fang' Amilan

  • Nicknames/Alias : Kaz, Fangy, Phantom

  • Age : 28

  • Race : Miqote (has changed based on job status)

  • Gender : Male

  • Height : 5' 8.5"

  • Sexuality/Relationship status : Pan(Heavy female lean)/Poly

  • Occupation : Blade for hire

  • Home City : Limsa Lominsa

  • Aether Alignment : Earth/Void

The Man Himself


  • Got a job? For the right price or right person, Fang is willing to do just about anything.

  • Aether Sensitive? Fang has a known void avatar, maybe you can sense it though with a lot of struggle they are able to coexist, for now.

  • Love fighting? Fang has gotten to the point where he'll spar or duel anytime almost anywhere.

About me

Thank you for taking the time to go over my carrd.I am a 30+ year old male that enjoys writing through a multitude of scenarios. If you have an idea to write, pitch me an idea.As with most writers IC=/=OOC. My character's feelings about yours are not mine about you.